24th April 2020
I am the host of ‘Inside The World’s Toughest Prisons’ the critically acclaimed Netflix series.
The documentary has unique access behind the bars of some of the toughest prisons on Earth
In series two I travel to some of the world’s most dangerous places to interview violent and dangerous criminals locked up in prison. Immersing myself for a week inside Brazil’s Porto Velho Penitentiary, for episode one, I meet some of the world’s most barbaric murderers from two rival gangs. Episode two takes me to Ukraine where meet one of the World’s most prolific serial killers, and in episode three I interview a man on death row for the brutal murder of what he believed was a witch. In episode four I am shell shocked by the hard line use of religion in an effort to convert non believers and re-establish other prisoners relationship with christianity as a form of rehabilitation. I also join the guards to discover the new tactics they are adopting to keep the peace in an increasingly volatile environment. From solitary confinement in pitch darkness to conjugal visits for mass murderers I have learned that each prison has a unique way of dealing with the criminals locked up inside.

Episode 1 | Belize: The Prison That Found God

Episode 2 | Papua New Guinea: The Breakout Prison

Episode 3 | Ukraine: The Prison in a War Zone